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Monday, September 14, 2009

Evolution vs. Creation

The theory of evolution basically deals mostly with nature and sciences. I'm not just saying it has to do with nature just because of Natural Selection but because it takes up majority of what Charles Darwin was trying to prove in his theory of evolution. His theory suggests that all people and animals have a common ancestor. That ancestor could have walked/swam etc...On earth millions of years ago and through natural selection (survival of the fittest) the organism developed more into the years and formed more complex organisms. Basically put, all of the advanced organisms are able to survive under the conditions while the weak are at a disadvantage as they start to die out. Passing on traits to the next generation is very crucial or nature itself will take you out. The one thing about this theory that makes it so unique and draws attention to people is that we humans/homo-sapiens/people have common ancestors to animals, mostly traits identical to primates. We developed from cavemen as they grew in intelligence. One question that people ask to skepticize this theory is "how was the first organism created?" That one question alone is able to shoot down majority of the ideas that Darwin within his theory. That question leads me into the theory of creation.

The theory of creation deals with religious beliefs. These religious beliefs all begin by saying that some kind of divine force/deity/god(s) created all life, hence the name "theory of creation." According to the book of genesis it simply states that god created the first man, Adam, and takes one of his ribs and forms the first woman, Eve. People that favor the theory of evolution critique this theory by saying that you can't prove that god created life neither can you test it. The only proof that is available is found in the bible. Throughout the years people have become more sophisticated, thus people gained the courage to challenge this theory and try to prove it wrong with evolution. Overall both theories are able to question each other and have reasons to back them up with. I know I may seem more lenient to evolution but actually evolution has many flaws that are found within while creation all begins with the idea of god creating life.

In my opinion I stick in between both theories. The reason for my decision is because both of these theories are not perfect and have many flaws some yet to be uncovered. I do give a little nod towards evolution because of it natural selection and passing traits on to the next generation idea. Even though it says that humans developed from primates it still defies the idea of god creating two human beings and letting it start from there. I have to agree with people who pointed out this major flaw in the theory of evolution "what created the first living organism?" Like I mentioned before, this one question alone can eliminate many ideas within evolution. In my mind I still believe that something had to create it and by doing so evolution just seems less and less believable. I also wondered if there was a way both of these theories could be right and that the flaws in both of them could be found in one another. I doubt that a lot or any people would agree with me on that thought but this is how I view life.

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