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Friday, September 18, 2009

Copernicus and the trial of Galileo

When you think of the solar system, there are two important theories you should know about, heliocentric and geocentric. When you break the words down they go to their Greek meanings. In Heliocentric: Helios is the Greek word for sun. While in Geocentric; Geo is Greek for earth. In both words: Centric comes from Kentron which is the Greek word for center. Geocentric means that the earth is the center of the universe and everything revolves around it. Heliocentric is a little different than that. It states that the sun is the center of the universe and everything revolves around it instead of the earth. Obviously both of these theories are not true. The Geocentric theory may have come first but it is not the correct one. 
When you think of the solar system, there are two important theories you should know about, heliocentric and geocentric. When you break the words down they go to their Greek meanings. In Heliocentric: Helios is the Greek word for sun. While in Geocentric; Geo is Greek for earth. In both words: Centric comes from Kentron which is the Greek word for center. Geocentric means that the earth is the center of the universe and everything revolves around it. Heliocentric is a little different than that. It states that the sun is the center of the universe and everything revolves around it instead of the earth. Obviously both of these theories are not true. The Geocentric theory may have come first but it is not the correct one. 

During the scientific revolution advances in scientific and mathematic ideas were taken to different levels. Great advances such as views towards the universe were challenged. One of them was that everything does not revolve around the earth. In the 16th century Copernicus had developed a model of the heliocentric system. Though it did come up till consideration until 1,800 years later, Johannes Kepler was able to work with and add on to Copernicus's theory.  

Galileo Galilei was a famous astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, and a physicist. He played a very important role in the scientific revolution. In 1630 Galileo published the "Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World." He had discussed the heliocentric theory and denied the geocentric theory. Unlike the geocentric theory Galileo was able to support heliocentrism with acknowledgeable facts and evidence from his studies of physics and his findings through his telescope that was placed in his garden. Galileo was surprised to find that his theory had more skeptics than believers. 

For his actions, Galileo was taken to trial, in 1633, by the Catholic Church because they on the other hand did not follow the same beliefs and ideas as Galileo did. They strictly followed the teachings of philosophers like Aristotle, Ptolemy and things taught within the church. Basically the church saw him as a threat to the public and if people found out that he was actually right then many people would challenge the church as well. 

After the trial Galileo was forced to renounce his beliefs in heliocentrism and his book was banned by the Catholic Church. His original verdict was to be jailed for life in prison but was changed the day after to house arrest which led up to his death. Only after his death in the 1990's did the Church lift the ban that was placed on his book "Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World."

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