Communism started to collapse in the Eastern side of Europe, or former Warsaw Pact countries, during the 1980's. The collapse had to start at the base of Communism or better known as the Soviet Union. Once the USSR started to break due to Democratic revolutions and reforms. In the Eastern part of Germany people pressured the old Stalinist government to step out of position and let themselves take control by having their own president take charge. This new president order on November 9th of 1989 to take down the Berlin Wall or Iron Curtain as many might call it during the Cold War era.
I mentioned in earlier blogs that East Germany re-uniting with West Germany was one of the few sparks that led to the collapse of the Warsaw Pact. October 2rd of 1990 was the day they re-united and it also lead to the collapse of Communism. A while afterwards the Soviet Union had collapsed on the New Years of Eve of 1991. The reason for them collapsing was due to the other Communist governed countries witnessing what Germany did and thought of doing and overthrow themselves. The Soviet Union themselves had a new leader and that was Mikhail Gorbachev who I will talk about in the next blog. With Gorbachev as a leader Communism would cease to exist but there are several other countries that remained Communist.
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