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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nelson Mandela And Aparthied

Apartheid is a form of Racial segregation in South Africa. Its similar if not the same representation of what we had going on in America with Racial Discrimination. African people did not have the same privileges as the white people did in South Africa. Though it was their own home territory the white people had no problem in taking over and instilling Apartheid into their land. Non-white people were set separate from the "white only" community in many places such as Government, bathroom, restaurants, and even schools. People who opposed this system would be banned and political leaders who opposed would even be killed.
Like how I said Nelson Mandela was a very important role in this time period is because he was one of the people who led to the Independence of Africa more specifically South Africa. Due to Nelson Mandela non-white people gained their rights back on their land. Also by non-whites I mean that even if you were half white you were still considered non-white. Back on topic, Mandela was prisoned for 27 years until he was finally released in 1990. The reason for locking him up was because he was one of those few people who spoke up. He disliked Apartheid and how the minority (the whites) were taking control of the majority (non-white). Just like Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. he was one of those people who led non-violent strikes and protests. These methods have worked in the past so why not try it again. Simple civil-disobedient acts led to the imprisonment of Mandela.
Though Mandela was sent to jail he never gave up on hope and believed that Apartheid would come to an end. The people who led admired him plenty even when jailed his people didn't give up on hope either. In time Apartheid did fade away and Mandela was set free from prison. Soon non-whites gained their rights and independence from the whites. Nelson Mandela was seen as not only a political leader but also a political hero his ways of standing up for those who couldn't do anything shows what a hero does. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for his actions. He is still alive today even after what he went through to get something for his people.

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