Like I mentioned in my last blog Mikhail Gorbachev was one of the reasons as to why Communism had failed in Easter Europe. Gorbachev was different than some of the other political leaders because for one he was young and knew a lot about politics. Gorbachev was not a fan of Communism and when he became leader he was around54 years old at the time he decided to finish off Communism.
The difference between him and the old leader Stalin was that, Stalin was very ferocious as a leader and anyone who opposed him would be dealt with but after his reign of terror ended Gorbachev decided to put an end to his reign. One thing he did to start off his position in office was take people that were originally jailed by Stalin for opposing his power and system. Another change the Gorbachev made was he allowed banned books to be open to the public. You can Basically say that he took many steps forward to the people away from all the totalitarian governing ways that Stalin had instilled on his people.
Mikhail introduced a new policy's during his reign. One of which is called "Glasnost:" according to dictionary.com it means "the declared public policy within the Soviet Union of openly and frankly discussing economic and political realities." Another policy he introduced was Perestroikas which also by dictionary.com means "the program of economic and political reform." This allowed people to start their own business's which in communism didn't exist. Everything Gorbachev did was a way of giving the community what they have been in need of for a long time.