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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Film Lesson: "The Right Stuff"

I found this movie to be very entertaining from its comedy and the plot itself. The back and forth competition between the U.S. and Russia was intriguing. For the most part of the movie I liked how it was more of a "I'm better than you" or "I can do this can you?" kind of relation between the two countries. Sure this was a serious time period in real life but in the movie the script apparently had a lot of room for some humor. For example the multiple shuttle launches until they we're finally successful. One of which didn't even get off the ground was hilarious because well for one it didn't blow up.

No wonder it was called the "Space Race." America was able to break the sound barrier. This scene was so well done just because of its believability due to the time frame in which the movie was made. Though we were able to do that we failed to send the first man to space. We were to send a man to space, after numerous tests on people, but instead ended up sending a monkey, yes a monkey. "The greatest nation in the world" prefers to send a primate into space instead of a real human due to fear of something going wrong. The monkey incident gave other countries a reason to make fun of America. Though the US didn't send a man to space, because it was far too dangerous, but Instead two or the three weeks later Russia successfully did it. Russia won that portion of the race by sending the first man into space, Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. After which America was made fun of for not being able to do that.

The race was not over yet due to the fact that now either of the countries had to send the first man to the moon. This is where it was all business because America already lost one challenge in the race, they can't afford to lose another. We were able to send the first man to the moon and his name was Neil Alden Armstrong. This was the last thing that happened for the Space Race for there was nothing else to accomplish. We were already able to circle the globe multiple times. All in all, its a good solid movie and very factual. Shows you how much the human race can accomplish when in competitions like these. I mean breaking the sound barrier to sending people to the moon could soon lead to searching for other inhabitable planets. I'll remember Cold War because in this movie you never see any violence between Russia and the US it was just a simple Race to see who's better.

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