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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Film Lesson: "Night and Fog"

"Night and Fog" is a documentary about the holocaust. It shows disturbing footage of what went on in concentration camps and Nazi's sick and inhumane behavior towards Jews. Some of the scenes shown in the movie are hard to forget. If your into violent movies then I recommend you watch "Night and Fog" for you will see a big difference, one is real and the other is not. Some of the scenes in the video are very graphic and makes you think "what kind of people would do things like this?" Well obvious answer is the Nazi's! Who else could take out 6 millions Jew like that. Also watching how the Jews were being treated in captivity under the Nazi control was just sick. After seeing all the dead bodies just pains me how so many people were killed.

Just like a documentary does this film shows the facts and truths of Holocaust. Unlike the actual edited movies like "Schindler's List" you actually saw the results of the Holocaust. All the movies you see about the holocaust are usually played out but the pictures in this documentary were taken during that time. Though it may not be polished out and spectacular looking, even though it shouldn't be, real footage beats scripted any day because the emotion is already there. I mean if I saw dead bodies in Schindler's List sure it would be disturbing but I know that the person in the film didn't actually die unlike the people I saw in the documentary, most of which were already dead.

Overall I will say I have never seen so many dead bodies and such graphic footage before. I also hope to not see something like this again. Most likely it won't because people by now should have learned form the past by now but you never know, things can change at anytime. My final remark is that this kind of abuse to Jews was very brutal and this form of religious persecution is just sick and disgusting human behavior.

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