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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Film Lesson: "Gandhi"

In 1869 one of the world’s most important/inspirational people was born. His name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was given the nickname "Mahatma" which means great soul. Indeed he was a great soul for all of his actions did believe in the act of violence. He was a peaceful soul himself. Gandhi was very intelligent well educated person that knew a lot about Law from his studies in London. This allowed him to succeed in his plans for India's independence in the future. Speaking of India's independence, Gandhi was one of the people to go against the control of Great Britain and lead his country to freedom. In doing so also led to his death, but that was due to religious reasons.

I liked the way Gandhi actually worked things out but the one thing I didn't like was the fact that many people on his side had to die and get hurt from his side. In the end that was the only way. His famous quote "an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind" is famous for a reason. That reason is the backbone of his actions. Hammurabi's "an eye for an eye" system was a violent system which could lead to physical problems. Gandhi thought that back and forth violence between both countries would only make both look bad.

Not only did Gandhi devote his life into gaining independence from Great Britain but also making all of India understand how to get it. He had to teach them that peaceful actions and taking blows from the enemy only shows who the bad guy is. A lot of them didn't understand that and thought about fighting fire with fire. Gandhi was ashamed of them for doing so because that is not the way he planned it. I see his plan with peaceful protests as more of a mind game. He wants to get in the head of the British government and show them that he doesn't care if dies for his country but as long as they see what they are doing and stop. He was arrested many times for apparent "Civil Disobedience" but gave himself up without causing any trouble. He knew if he went to jail and India saw what he was taking for his country maybe they would listen.

In 1931 he attended the Round table Conference in London, where he originally learned to study. This conference really didn't accomplish much except for the fact that news of Gandhi going to London was everywhere. He stood out from all of the people in the conference due to the fact he was wearing self-made clothes which looked different than all the other more modern business look everyone else had.

One of his other plans was to stop buying clothes from the Brits and weave their own. Not only that but by not buying British goods they are going to keep more money than give it away. Britain also had a monopoly over salt meaning India could only buy salt from them. Gandhi's salt march was one way of getting on the British's nerves since he is not doing anything violent but rather just going to the sea to make salt. Like I mentioned earlier about him being sent to jail several times, his plan there was to fast. Fasting is when you don't eat anything, just drink water. He used this to his advantage against both India and Britain. By that I mean he fasted to get India to listen to him instead of raging against the Brits with violence. The way he used it against Britain was different. While in jail he would do something called a "fast unto death." If he had died then there would be a revolution in India and most importantly show how bad Britain really is in their position.

India finally did get its Independence from Great Britain in 1947. Though was it a good thing? The answer is no. Due to the fact that when India gained its Independence the inner religious problems came up between the Hindu's and Muslims. Britain would agree to give control of India to them-self if the Muslim League and the Congress Party could settle their difference. Thought Gandhi's original plan was to have everybody as one strong nation he had no choice for this was the only opportunity and he took it. When the flags went up, indication their independence, two different ones went up. Gandhi was ashamed at what took place. It was more like ending one problem and creating another in my perspective. Hindu's resided in India while Muslims moved onto Pakistan; thus also the birth of Pakistan. Gandhi later on went around fasting to stop religious differences and create peace amongst both opposing forces. He was assassinated in January 30th of 1948 by a Hindu "fanatic." Which almost shocked the world that he was killed; it was actually the second attempt. I found that very disrespectful killing the man that gave you and your country independence.

In my mind I think Gandhi really did have a big affect on India. If it wasn't for his non-violent ways most of India would have died out and given up in wars/massacres. Maybe in time Britain would have given up on India but I don't think it would have happened any faster if Gandhi wasn't there to show India which way to go. Though World War II was in progress in 1947 I still believe India would have been a threat to Britain even then. Britain could have easily manipulated India to doing what they wanted no matter how much they refused and fought back.

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